Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) affects how a child communicates, learns, and interacts with the world around them. Early identification and intervention can make a significant difference in helping children thrive.
What Are the Early Signs of Autism?
- Social Challenges: Limited eye contact, difficulty in engaging with others, or a lack of interest in social interactions.
- Communication Delays: Not speaking by expected milestones, difficulty forming sentences, or unusual speech patterns.
- Repetitive Behaviors: Hand-flapping, lining up toys, or intense focus on specific objects or activities.
- Sensitivity to Stimuli: Overreacting or underreacting to sounds, lights, or textures.
Why Early Detection Matters
Early intervention services provide children with the tools to develop critical skills. Services such as speech therapy, occupational therapy, and behavior therapy can address challenges and support developmental milestones.
What Parents Can Do
- Observe your child’s behavior and compare it to developmental milestones.
- Discuss concerns with your pediatrician.
- Seek a professional evaluation if necessary.
- Take action by accessing early intervention programs.